Thursday, September 25, 2014

Northeastern Native American Art

I will be focusing on Native American art from the Northeast.

I am especially interested in the northern Michigan region due to the fact that I have family ties in this area. Although I do not have any Native American ancestry, I am interested in the native culture and art that my ancestors experienced while living in this area since, at least, the late 1800s.

Original tribes in this area include; Potawatomi, Ojibwe, Odawa, and Menominee.

- One band of Native Americans that many tourists who have visited this area have experienced are The Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians (LTBB).

The pots below were made by Frank and Joseph Ettawageshik; members of LTBB. Frank is political leader and the executive director of the United Tribes of Michigan.

The smoking on these pots appears to be similar to the technique used by the artist in the video we viewed in class.

Traditional PotEttawageshik Family